Dec 23, 2015
Last week I talked about How To Gain Self-Confidence In Relationship. I discussed the positive cycle between assertiveness and self-confidence. The more you can assert yourself the more self-confident you will be. Just as the more self-confident you are the more assertive you will be.
Dec 16, 2015
For years, I have been talking with clients about the important balance between assertiveness and consideration. Many times, people are too afraid to assert themselves because they have fear of seeming mean, domineering, or controlling. Yet, if you do not assert yourself at all, it is likely you will feel unhappy...
Dec 8, 2015
Relationships sometimes fail or end. When they do, it’s easy to doubt whether or not you are doomed to be unhappy in love. Recently, a listener submitted a question, “Is it possible to have a successful ...
Dec 1, 2015
Mali Apple and Joe Dunn are authors, coaches, lovers, and best
friends. Their bestselling book, The Soulmate Experience:
A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary
Relationships has helped thousands of people around the
world create relationships that are deeply connected...