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Jun 30, 2020

David Richo Ph.D. is a Psychotherapist, Writer, and Workshop Leader. He teaches at a variety of places including Esalen and Spirit Rock Buddhist Center. He shares his time between Santa Barabara and San Francisco in California. Dave combines psychological and spiritual perspectives in his work.


In this episode, David...

Jun 23, 2020

Brianna Wiest has traveled internationally as a journalist, written for Fortune 500 companies, and has spoken in cities around the continental United States. She is the author of five books, her latest, The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery is being published in 2020. Her dream is to use the...

Jun 16, 2020

In this episode, I am answering a listeners's question in how to reconnect emotionally with his wife. 

In this episode, Dr. Jessica Higgins discusses: 

  • The four stages of separation distress. 
  • The benefits and value of going slow to maintain emotional balance and regulation. 
  • How to reveal and soften to help create...

Jun 10, 2020

Today, I am referencing Dr. Vivek Murthy's book, Together, to offer some added support for the larger conversation around institutional racism, oppression and social justice. 

In this episode, Dr. Jessica Higgins discusses: 

  • The right of human belonging and humanization.
  • The role of disconnection, dehumanization, fear...

Jun 2, 2020

Today, I am pausing from the regularly scheduled episodes to stand in solidarity for Black Out Tuesday and Black Lives Matter.

On the Empowered Relationship podcast, we address principles that support healthy relationship.

The importance of safety, respect and reverence for people expands beyond intimate connection.
