Jul 27, 2018
Sharon writes:
“I have discovered your podcast recently, and it has helped me
so much in my own self-reflection and relationships.
My boyfriend and I are considering moving in together, but I am a little worried. We have been together for 9 months. We sleepover with each other a few times a...
Jul 18, 2018
Janina Fisher is a licensed psychologist and international expert on the treatment of trauma and dissociation. Author of “Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors” and co-author of “Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma...
Jul 5, 2018
Suzanne Midori Hanna, Ph.D. is a clinician, instructor, and author in couple and family therapy. Her work in medical family therapy has led to an ongoing interest in mind-body issues, mental health, and the neurobiology of cutting edge couple and family therapy. She is the author of The Practice of Family Therapy:...